Discovery of the earliest existing zither
1979 年,在江西省贵溪县仙岩东周崖墓群中发现了连件筝,是现存最早的古筝实物。其中保存完好的一件,长 166 厘米、宽 17.5保定平面设计培训 保定室内设计培训 保定厨房排烟 雄安管道通风 厘米,尾宽 15.5 厘米,两端各有十三个弦孔。另一件筝尾残缺,残长174 厘米,筝首弦孔为置木枘(弦轸)用,一弦一枘,栓弦于枘上,类似潮州筝的系弦法。这两件筝的形制、弦数和系弦法与后世古筝相似,是目前我国已知的最早实物。对古筝历史文化的研究做出突出贡献。
In 1979, a piece of Zheng was found in the tombs of Xianyan Dongzhou cliff in Guixi County, Jiangxi Province. It is the earliest existing kind of Zheng. One of them is well preserved. It is 166 cm long, 17.5 cm wide and 15.5 cm wide. There are 13 chord holes at both ends. The tail of the other Zheng is incomplete, with a length of 174CM. The hole of the first string of the Zheng is used to place wooden pegs (string pegs). One string is pegged to the pegs, which is similar to the string tying method of Chaozhou Zheng. The shape, string number and string tying method of these two zithers are similar to those of later zithers. They are the earliest known objects in China. Make outstanding contributions to the study of Guzheng history and culture.