To play the zither, you must first maintain a correct posture. The index
fingers of both hands Middle finger You can buy two rolls of medical
adhesive tape, one to keep the back of your hand straight, and the other
to wear your nails. Next, look at the zither, sit down and listen to
the music score. This lesson mainly focuses on the string and the
technique of holding and wiping the fingers
1:弹奏古筝之前,先要佩戴好橡胶托辊 槽型托辊 皮带托辊 平行托辊 保定搬家 保定搬家电话 保定搬家公司 保定搬家 铜鼎 铜狮子 指甲,指甲的大小应和手指第一关节差不多,戴在第一关节往上一点,胶布缠在第一关节中间,不要影响关节活动处,大指缠带方法与其他指不同,假指甲向内与指尖呈45度角,左右相对。
1: Before playing the zither, you should first wear your nails. The size
of the nails should be similar to that of the first joint of the
finger. Wear them a little higher on the first joint, and wrap the
adhesive tape in the middle of the first joint, so as not to affect the
joint activity. The wrapping method of the big finger is different from
that of other fingers. The false nail is 45 degrees inward from the
fingertip, opposite to the left and right