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网址  2024-01-09  作者:admin    阅读:

The Guzheng, also known as the Han Zheng, Qin Zheng, Yao Zheng, Luan Zheng, and also known as the "King of Music" and "Eastern Piano", is a traditional Chinese instrument of the Han ethnic group. It belongs to the plucked instrument and is one of the unique and important ethnic instruments in China. As early as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, it flourished in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. It is commonly used for solo, ensemble, instrumental ensemble, and accompaniment in song and dance, opera, and folk arts. In modern times, the Xiaoguzheng has also emerged Portable Guzheng, Mini Guzheng, Half Zheng, New Zheng, Twelve Equal Rhythm Tuned Zheng. [4]
The structure of the Guzheng consists of a panel, a goose pillar (also known as a zheng code in some areas), strings, front Yue Mountain, string nails, tuning boxes, qin feet, back Yue Mountain, side panels, sound outlets, bottom plates, and string holes. [4] The shape of the Guzheng is a rectangular wooden speaker, with a string frame called a "zheng pillar" (also known as a goose pillar) that can move freely. Each string has one tone and is arranged in a pentatonic scale. Initially, 25 strings were the most common (divided into zither), and during the Tang and Song dynasties, there were 13 strings, which later increased to 16 strings, 18 strings, 21 strings, etc. The most commonly used specification was 21 strings. Usually, the model of the Guzheng is preceded by S163-21, where S represents the S-shaped Mount Yue, jointly invented by Wang Xunzhi and Miao Jinlin. 163 represents the length of the Guzheng, which is about 163 centimeters, and 21 represents the number of strings in the Guzheng. [2] The guzheng has a beautiful timbre, a wide range of sounds, rich playing techniques, and a strong expressive power. [1] Guzheng music generally has the characteristics of structural symmetry, smooth melody, rhythmic regularity, and emotional content; The melody of the zheng music is elegant and implicit, with a smooth and beautiful melody

